
Outdoor Rental Transparent LED Video Wall-RTO Series

  • Ultra-light &Ultra-thin.
  • High Transmittance. Up to 80%.
  • IP65 High Protection
  • Ultra-High Brightness.
  • lntegrated modular design
  • High standard cabinet with no obviousgaps between the cabinets.
  • Supports wireless control and multiple control methods.









MaxcolorLED outdoor rental transparent LED display

MaxcolorLED outdoor rental transparent LED display


Designed for ease of installation and maintenance , eliminating huge heavy load supportingstructures which is often associated with alternative conventional LED methods.

simple appearance design

simple appearance design



SMDLEDS, locating pin, quick lock, handle, power box, waterproof aviation plug

cabinet features

rental transparent LED cabinet features



lntegrated modular design, maintenance only needs toreplace single module,and single-point maintenanceis also possible.Pluggable design of network cable andpower card ,quick connection operation

outdoor series modular design

outdoor series modular design


High Brightness

Using high-brightness outdoor power supplies,the display can compete with direct sunlight exposure at peak times of the day.

High Birthright

High Brightness


IP65 High Protection

These displays are robust with an ingressprotection of IP 65 to withstand dust andextreme weather conditions.

IP65 waterproof

IP65 waterproof


High Transparency

Saft fim LED display delivers high transparency of 80% and offers a dear Wiew of the interiors.doesn’t block the ight of interior.

Maxcolor outdoor rental transparent led video wall

Maxcolor outdoor rental transparent led video wall



High standard cabinet with no obviousgaps between the cabinets.

seamless splicing

seamless splicing



Rental Transparent LED screen supports wireless control and multiple control methods.

Convenient controls

Convenient controls


Renatl Indoor Transparent LED Video Wall Application

Outdoor rental transparent LED display Application

Outdoor rental transparent LED display Application


Outdoor Rental Transparent LED Video Wall-RTO Series

Ask for a quote


Model Number P2.6X5.2 P2.8X5.6 P3.91X7.8 P5.2X10.4 P10.4X10.4 P15.625X15.625
Pixel Pitch(MM) 2.6X5.2 2.8X5.6 3.91X7.8 5.2X10.4 10.4X10.4 15.625X15.625
LED Standard SMD1415 SMD1921 SMD1921 SMD1921 SMD2727 SMD2727
Density 73728dot/m² 61952dot/m² 32768dot/m² 18432dot/㎡ 9216dot/㎡ 4096dot/㎡
Module Size(MM) 500X125 500X125 500X125 500X125 500X125 500X125
Cabinet Size(MM) 1000X500MM 1000X500MM 1000X500MM 1000X500MM 1000X500MM 1000X500MM
Cabinet Material Die-cast aluminum Die-cast aluminum Die-cast aluminum Die-cast aluminum Die-cast aluminum Die-cast aluminum
Transparency 55% 46% 55% 56% 58% 71%
Cabinet Weight 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg
Maintenance Mode Front Front Front Front Front Front
Brightness ≥3500nits ≥4500nits ≥4500nits ≥4500nits ≥4500nits ≥4500nits
Power Consumption (Max/m²) 800w/m² 800w/m² 800w/m² 800w/m² 800w/m² 800w/m²
Power Consumption(Ave/m²) 260w/m² 260w/m² 260w/m² 260w/m² 260w/m² 260w/m²
Refresh Rate 1920-3840Hz 1920-3840Hz 1920-3840Hz 1920-3840Hz 1920-3840Hz 1920-3840Hz
Scaning 12s 11s 8s 4s 2s static
IP Rating IP30 IP30 IP30 IP30 IP30 IP30
Application Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor
Gray Scale 14bit 14bit 14bit 14bit 14bit 14bit
Power requirments 220V±10%; AC50Hz 220V±10%; AC50Hz 220V±10%; AC50Hz 220V±10%; AC50Hz 220V±10%; AC50Hz 220V±10%; AC50Hz
Working Temperature -40°C~+45°C -40°C~+45°C -40°C~+45°C -40°C~+45°C -40°C~+45°C -40°C~+45°C
Operating Life ≥100,000hours ≥100,000hours ≥100,000hours ≥100,000hours ≥100,000hours ≥100,000hours
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
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