Let you understand the difference between COB LED display screenand GOB LED display screen

May 23, 2024 | FAQ

As LED displays are more widely used, people have put forward higher requirements for product quality and display effects. In the packaging process, traditional SMD technology can no longer meet the application needs of some scenarios. Based on this, some manufacturers have changed their packaging track and chosen to deploy technologies such as COB, while some manufacturers have chosen to improve SMD technology. Among them, GOB,COB technology is an iterative technology after the improvement of the SMD packaging process.



What is COB packaging technology?

COB module packaging means that it directly adheres the chip to the PCB substrate to make electrical connections. The main purpose of its introduction is to solve the heat dissipation problem of LED displays. Compared with direct plug-in and SMD, it is characterized by saving money. Space, simplified packaging operations, and efficient thermal management. Currently, COB packaging is mainly used in some small-pitch products.


What is GOB packaging technology?

GOB packaging is a packaging technology introduced to solve the problem of LED lamp bead protection. It uses advanced transparent materials to encapsulate the PCB substrate and LED packaging unit to form effective protection. It is equivalent to adding a layer in front of the original LED module. It can achieve high protection functions, such as waterproof, moisture-proof, impact-proof, bump-proof, anti-static, salt-spray-proof, oxidation-proof, blue-light-proof, and vibration-proof.

What is the difference between COB LED display and GOB LED display?

The main difference between COB and GOB is the process. Although the COB package has a flat surface and better protection than the traditional SMD package, the GOB package adds a glue filling process on the surface of the screen, making its LED lamp beads more stable. Greatly reduces the possibility of the light falling out, making it more stable.

Which one has more advantages, COB or GOB?

There is no standard for which COB or GOB is better, because there are many factors that determine whether a packaging process is good or not. The key is to see which point we value, whether it is the efficiency of the LED lamp beads or the protection, so each packaging technology All have their advantages and cannot be generalized.

When we actually choose, whether to use COB packaging or GOB packaging must be considered based on comprehensive factors such as our own installation environment and running time, and this is also related to cost control and display effect differences.


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